

Dad: Missed Call (3)

My dad called me the other day. I assumed it was an emergency… turns out he just wants me to get a life.

No, that’s not exactly what he said. But it felt that way.

Sometimes the phrase “I just want you to be happy.” has a million meanings. Sometimes it’s: “It’s not you, it’s me.” or “You look great today!” And sometimes it’s your dad calling, saying that you’re almost twenty and you really haven’t experienced much.

Twenty! Two whole decades on Earth and I don’t have much to show for it by college standards.

I’m not a partier or a drinker, and I don’t think I ever will be, but sometimes I have a bit of FOMO. I expressed this to my friends a few weeks ago, and this week, they invited me to a chill game night… where people happened to be drinking.

No anxiety. No panic attack! A little more sweat than usual since I was wearing a sweater and jeans and everyone else had “going-out” clothes on, but I lived! Everything was fine, no one pressured me to drink after I’d said no, and I actually had fun!

I danced like no one was watching and I definitely looked like an idiot, but do I care? Nope. I even had a little room I could go if I got overwhelmed, which I used, twice.

Overall, it was a nice baby step to my future as a beer-funneling, tabletop-dancing, party animal.

Jenga Night Playlist

  • “Perm” by Bruno Mars 
  • “Our Song” by Taylor Swift
  • “All These Things I’ve Done” by The Killers
  • “Congratulations” by Post Malone ft. Quavo 
  • “Wait A Minute!” by WILLOW

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